For decades, the world of cigars has been defined by tradition, heritage, and craftsmanship. But as times change, so too must the cigar industry. At Don Palomon, we’ve observed the growing frustration among true connoisseurs—those who appreciate the finest tobacco, the most meticulous craftsmanship, and, importantly, a brand that values their loyalty.
It’s no secret that the Old Regime has shifted its focus. Prices have skyrocketed, cigars are growing scarce, and attention seems to have wandered away from the customer. In catering to favored markets, they’ve left behind the very people who built their legacy. This has led many to wonder: Where is the brand that understands us?
At Don Palomon, we listened, and we responded. We didn’t set out to merely compete; we set out to lead. Merchant Cigars, our flagship brand, began with a simple idea—create cigars that speak to the true aficionado. We crafted Merchant for those who understand the delicate dance of flavors, who know that the perfect cigar is an experience to be savored. It was our first step in restoring what has been lost in the rush for global markets: care, consistency, and respect for the smoker.
Now, we proudly introduce Fratelli del Sigaro, a line born from the same principles but with a nod to tradition and camaraderie. Fratelli del Sigaro was created for those who share their finest moments with close friends. The name means “brothers of the cigar,” and it embodies the essence of what cigars have always meant—a moment of reflection, celebration, and connection.
But Fratelli del Sigaro is more than just a name. It’s an invitation to experience the craftsmanship and complexity that premium cigars should always deliver. Packaged in rustic, honest bundles, Fratelli del Sigaro offers cigars that strip away unnecessary pretenses, focusing on the essentials: quality, flavor, and respect for the smoker. Produced in limited quantities with the finest premium tobacco, Fratelli del Sigaro features three unique blends:
• Maduro: Full-bodied and bold, with layers of cocoa, espresso, and a touch of pepper—perfect for the seasoned smoker who appreciates depth and intensity.
• Connecticut: Smooth and refined, offering delicate notes of cedar and almonds, with a creamy finish that lingers elegantly on the palate.
• Habano: (Cuban seed grown in Honduras) Rich and spicy, striking a perfect balance between earthiness and subtle sweetness, for those who seek complexity without overpowering strength.
These cigars are crafted for those who demand more—more flavor, more attention to detail, and more respect for the experience. Fratelli del Sigaro is not just for casual enjoyment; it’s for the aficionado who shares his finest cigars with those who understand their value.
Exclusivity and Early Access
As with all things crafted in limited quantities, there’s only so much to go around. When Fratelli del Sigaro arrives, it will be available in select amounts—and we want you to be the first to know. Sign up now to be notified when they land and receive an exclusive introductory offer. It’s our way of welcoming you to experience cigars that embody true craftsmanship.
Don Palomon is building something greater than just cigars. We are building a community of those who cherish tradition but also recognize when the time has come for something new. We are redefining luxury cigars for the modern era—premium, yes, but also personal. A cigar is not just a product; it’s a moment, a connection, a symbol of appreciation for the finer things in life.
We invite you to be part of this journey, to experience cigars crafted with care and attention, cigars made with you in mind. If you value cigars that stand apart from the crowd, that offer more than just a name, Don Palomon and Fratelli del Sigaro are for you.
The next time you light up, do so knowing that Don Palomon is committed to returning quality, respect, and exclusivity to the world of cigars—one draw at a time.
Sign up now to receive early access and a welcome offer when Fratelli del Sigaro arrives.