Arturo Fuente cigars are a premium brand of cigars that were first created in the early 20th century by Arturo Fuente Sr. Born in 1887, Fuente Sr. was a Cuban immigrant who settled in Tampa, Florida, and became a cigar maker. In 1912, he founded the Arturo Fuente Cigar Company and began producing cigars using traditional Cuban techniques and high-quality tobacco leaves.
In the early years of the company, Fuente Sr. focused on producing machine-made cigars, which were affordable and widely popular. However, he always had a passion for hand-rolled cigars, and in the 1920s he began to experiment with creating high-quality, hand-rolled cigars using tobacco from the Dominican Republic.
These cigars, known as the Arturo Fuente Hemingway series, were an immediate success and helped to establish the Arturo Fuente brand as a leader in the premium cigar market. In the following decades, the company continued to innovate and expand, introducing new blends and sizes of cigars that were prized for their exceptional flavor and smoothness.
Today, Arturo Fuente cigars are widely regarded as some of the finest cigars on the market, and the company continues to be family-owned and operated. While it has faced challenges over the years, including a devastating fire in the 1980s and the impact of US trade embargoes on Cuba, it has persevered and remains a respected and beloved brand among cigar enthusiasts.