Davidoff cigars were first created in the early 20th century by Zino Davidoff, a Swiss-born tobacconist. Born in 1906, Davidoff grew up in a family of tobacco merchants and was exposed to the world of cigars from a young age. He eventually took over his family’s tobacco business and began to focus on creating high-quality cigars that would become known for their exceptional flavor and smoothness.
Davidoff’s first major success came in 1946 when he introduced a line of Cuban-style cigars known as the Châteaux Series. These cigars were created using the finest tobacco leaves from the Vuelta Abajo region of Cuba, and were widely praised for their complex and nuanced flavors.
In the following decades, Davidoff continued to innovate and expand his line of cigars, introducing new blends and sizes to cater to a growing market of cigar enthusiasts. In 1970, he opened his first flagship store in Geneva, Switzerland, which quickly became a destination for cigar lovers from around the world.
Today, Davidoff cigars are widely regarded as some of the finest cigars on the market, and the brand continues to be associated with luxury and quality. While the company has expanded to include a wide range of products, including lighters, humidors, and other accessories, its cigars remain at the heart of the brand and continue to be crafted using the finest tobacco leaves and traditional techniques.