Habanos S.A. is the umbrella organization that oversees the production and marketing of Cuban cigars worldwide. Founded in 1994, Habanos S.A. is responsible for the management and development of the Cuban cigar industry, which is known for producing some of the finest cigars in the world.
Cuban cigars are made from tobacco grown in the Vuelta Abajo region of Cuba, which is renowned for its fertile soil and ideal climate for growing tobacco. The tobacco leaves are carefully selected and processed using traditional methods, including fermentation and aging, to create the unique flavors and aromas that are characteristic of Cuban cigars.
Cuban cigars are made by hand using a process known as “totalmente a mano,” or “totally by hand.” This involves rolling the tobacco leaves into the shape of a cigar using only the hands and a small amount of vegetable glue. This process is slow and labor-intensive, but it is considered to produce the highest quality cigars.
There are many different brands and types of Cuban cigars available, each with its own distinctive flavor and characteristics. Some of the most well-known brands include Cohiba, Montecristo, Romeo y Julieta, and Hoyo de Monterrey. Cuban cigars are also classified according to their size and shape, with the most common sizes being petit corona, robusto, and Churchill.
Cuban cigars are highly prized by cigar aficionados and are considered to be the benchmark against which all other cigars are measured. They are known for their smooth, complex flavors and aromas, which are the result of the unique combination of the tobacco, the production process, and the skill of the cigar makers.
Despite the high demand for Cuban cigars, they are not widely available outside of Cuba due to the longstanding trade embargo between the United States and Cuba. However, Cuban cigars can be purchased in other countries where they are legal to sell, and they are often considered a luxury item due to their exclusivity and high price.
In conclusion, Habano S.A. is a key player in the world of Cuban cigars, overseeing the production and marketing of these highly sought-after cigars. Known for their smooth, complex flavors and traditional production methods, Cuban cigars are considered by many to be the finest cigars in the world.