Long filler cigars are a type of premium cigar that are made using high-quality, whole tobacco leaves. Unlike short filler cigars, which are made using chopped tobacco, long filler cigars are made using whole leaves that run the length of the cigar.
Long filler cigars are considered to be the highest quality type of cigar, as they are made using the best tobacco leaves and are carefully constructed by skilled craftsmen. The use of whole tobacco leaves allows for a more consistent burn and a more complex and flavorful smoke.
To make a long filler cigar, the tobacco leaves are first sorted and graded according to their size, color, and overall quality. The best leaves are then selected for the filler, while the lesser quality leaves are used for the binder and wrapper.
Once the tobacco leaves have been selected, they are carefully rolled by hand to create the cigar. This process is known as torcido, and it requires a high level of skill and attention to detail. The cigar is then carefully inspected and inspected to ensure that it meets the highest standards of quality and consistency.
Long filler cigars are known for their rich, complex flavor and their smooth, well-balanced smoke. They are considered to be the finest cigars available, and they are highly prized by aficionados around the world.