My Father Cigars is a premium brand of cigars that was founded in 2003 by José “Pepin” Garcia. Garcia is a Cuban-born cigar maker who has been producing cigars for over 50 years. He got his start in the cigar industry at a young age, working in his father’s cigar factory in Cuba before eventually moving to Miami, Florida, where he founded his own cigar company.
My Father Cigars was founded as a collaboration between Garcia and his son, Jaime Garcia. The company’s first cigar, the My Father, was released in 2007 and quickly gained a reputation for its exceptional quality and flavor. Since then, the company has expanded to include a wide range of sizes and blends, all of which are hand-rolled using traditional techniques and high-quality tobacco leaves.
Today, My Father Cigars is widely regarded as one of the top cigar brands in the world, and the company continues to be family-owned and operated. While it has faced challenges over the years, including the impact of US trade embargoes on Cuba, it has remained committed to producing cigars of the highest quality and continues to be a respected and beloved brand among cigar enthusiasts.