Cigars are made from carefully selected tobacco leaves that have been blended together to create a specific flavor profile. The flavor and quality of a cigar can be greatly affected by the temperature and humidity in which it is stored.
Optimal cigar temperature is between 68-70 degrees Fahrenheit and the optimal humidity is between 68-72%. At these conditions, the cigar will maintain its shape and the flavors of the tobacco will be preserved. If the temperature is too high, the cigar will dry out and become brittle, affecting its flavor and smoking experience. If the temperature is too low, the cigar will become too moist and may develop mold.
Cigars should be stored in a humidor, which is a specially designed box that is lined with cedar and equipped with a humidification device to maintain the optimal temperature and humidity levels. The cedar lining of the humidor helps to preserve the flavor of the cigar by absorbing excess moisture and releasing it back into the air as needed.
It is also important to properly maintain your humidor. The humidification device should be checked regularly and refilled with distilled water or propylene glycol solution to ensure that the optimal humidity levels are maintained. The cigars should also be rotated regularly to ensure that they are aging evenly.
In addition to using a humidor, there are a few other steps you can take to ensure that your cigars are stored at the optimal temperature and humidity. These include storing your cigars in a cool, dark place away from direct sunlight or any other heat sources. You should also avoid storing your cigars near any strong-smelling items, as the tobacco leaves are porous and can absorb outside odors.
In conclusion, proper cigar storage is essential to preserving the flavor and quality of your cigars. By maintaining the optimal temperature and humidity levels in your humidor, you can ensure that your cigars are always ready to be enjoyed at their best.