A cigar of exception was created of a subtle assembly of tobaccos selected among the best of the terroir of Costa Rica and Nicaragua. Coated by a silky and delicate Colorado wrapper of Ecuador, this cigar is perfectly balanced with a rich and delicious aromatic pallet.
For those of us who can instantly recognise quality craftsmanship, I’m happy to say your search for the perfect cigar is over. Introducing the ultimate premium cigars, born in Cuba and handcrafted to perfection in Nicaragua with premium tobacco leaves from the fields of Esteli.
We’ve always listened intently to feedback and paid close attention to the cigars our customers were coming back for year after year. That was the basis of our search for the perfect smoke that would take us around the world and end up in a tiny town in Nicaragua more than two decades later.
When we first started hearing murmurings that a Cuban Cigar Renaissance was happening in Nicaragua, naturally we were intrigued. It was a story of rebirth, passion, devotion to preserving a craft and ultimately the resilience required to persevere against tremendous odds. So we made our way to Esteli to see for ourselves if the goods could live up to the hype.
What we found were ideal growing conditions to create tobacco that is bold yet stunningly smooth and it was love at first puff. We knew our search was over when we met the passionate craftsmen. They had strong Cuban roots and come from a long tradition of crafting luxury cigars with consistency. It’s been quite a journey to create a cigar we could be proud to call our own, but we think you’ll agree it was worth it when you light up your Merchant Cigar.
So if you can find your way around a wine list as easily as your playlist, naturally you can handle a cigar adeptly. The only trouble is keeping your humidor stocked full of cigars worth smoking, am I right? Our select range of cigars is a tribute to following your curiosity wherever it may lead you. They’re elegant and modern with a dose of rebellion, just like those who smoke them.
If the smell of a fine cigar is the siren call you simply can’t resist, you’re not alone. Smoking a cigar as memorable as the Belicoso marks an occasion and literally imprints it in the memory bank. All you need to do to instantly transport yourself back into that moment is to simply light another. A time machine disguised as a premium Nicaragua cigar.
If you’re familiar with Cohíba Robustos or Partagás Serie D No. 4, you’re in for a treat with the Big Robusto when you explore this new premium cigar. The binder and filler tobacco are grown in the densest black soil in the famed Esteli region of Nicaragua. The perfect growing conditions here at the highest point of the valley produces vigorous tobacco plants that yield a signature spiciness designed to delight the most discerning palate.
When you have a couple of hours to linger over a smoke and marvel at how its flavour and power develops so smoothly during three distinct phases, you want to be sure you’re holding the right cigar, this cigar. It’s a premium Nicaraguan cigar crafted with 100% Nicaraguan filler and binder tobacco selected for its strong, bold flavours (8/10) with a kick of spice encased in an exquisite wrapper from Ecuador to deliver just the right oomph (6/10 strength).