Rocky Patel is a well-known name in the world of premium cigars. The company was founded in 1996 by Rocky Patel, a former entertainment lawyer who had a passion for cigars and a desire to create the finest cigars in the world. Over the past 25 years, Rocky Patel cigars have become known for their exceptional quality, flavor, and construction, and are highly sought after by aficionados and collectors.
The history of Rocky Patel cigars began in the mid-1990s, when Rocky Patel decided to leave his career as an entertainment lawyer to pursue his passion for cigars. Patel had always been fascinated by the art of cigar-making, and saw an opportunity to create something truly exceptional in the world of premium cigars.
To create his cigars, Patel traveled to Nicaragua and Honduras, where he worked with skilled cigar makers to develop a range of blends using only the finest tobacco leaves. These blends were carefully crafted to provide a rich, complex flavor and a smooth, even burn, and were the foundation of the Rocky Patel brand.
Over the next few years, Rocky Patel cigars began to gain a reputation for their exceptional quality and flavor. The company’s cigars were praised by industry experts and aficionados alike, and quickly gained a following among cigar lovers who were looking for something truly special.
Today, Rocky Patel is a well-established name in the world of premium cigars. The company continues to produce a range of high-quality cigars, using only the finest tobacco leaves and traditional production techniques to create a truly exceptional smoking experience. With their rich, complex flavors and exceptional construction, Rocky Patel cigars are highly sought after by aficionados and collectors around the world.