Puroexpress’ Tailored Solution for the Discerning Aficionado
In recent times, the cigar industry has been hit by a wave of price hikes, or what’s being termed as “cigarflation,” particularly impacting Cuban cigar enthusiasts. The causes range from natural disasters to global demand surges, echoing through the leafy vineyards of Cuba all the way to the humidors of aficionados. The price tags on beloved brands have soared to staggering heights, leaving a haze of dismay in the wake. At Puroexpress, we’ve not only seen this turbulence but have felt the ripples through the voices of our loyal clientele. With a legacy stretching over three decades, the feedback, desires, and preferences of our customers have always been the compass guiding our ventures. It’s this rich reservoir of insights that propelled us to take a bold stride into unchartered territories.
Enter our exquisite range of in-house brands – a direct response to the clamor for affordability without compromising on quality. Our portfolio, featuring Merchant Cigars, Bespoke Private Blend, Bespoke Nicaragua, and Farm Rolled, embodies our commitment to delivering premium quality at prices that don’t burn a hole through the pockets. At the heart of this initiative is the ethos of ‘Seed to Smoke,’ a journey that eliminates the snaking trail of middlemen, traditionally a part of the cigar procurement saga.
A spotlight beams on Merchant Cigars, a proud sub-brand of our New Don Palomon cigars. It heralds the advent of a new era where quality meets affordability. And the journey doesn’t end here; four more illustrious brands under the Don Palomon umbrella are on the horizon, ready to make their bold imprint on the market.
Our maneuver into creating and nurturing our own brands is not a mere business venture; it’s a tailored solution, a rescue mission of sorts amidst the stormy seas of cigarflation. It’s about handing back the reins of choice to our cherished community, ensuring that the sublime pleasure of enjoying a fine cigar doesn’t become a privilege but remains a choice.
The cigar industry is evolving, and as it navigates through the murky waters of global market dynamics, we at Puroexpress have unfurled our sails, ready to ride the winds of change. Our in-house brands are not just products; they are a testament to our unwavering commitment to serving the aficionado community, a promise of unadulterated quality, and a beacon of affordability in a market that’s becoming increasingly elusive.
With every puff of our carefully crafted cigars, experience the essence of a journey that’s been inspired by you, shaped by the nuances of your preferences, and honed by the expertise garnered over decades. Our narrative is not just about selling cigars; it’s about preserving the legacy, the tradition, and the unparalleled joy that comes from enjoying a premium cigar without the shackles of exorbitant pricing.