The Vegueros Cigar Factory is a Cuban cigar manufacturer located in the town of Pinar del Río, Cuba. It was founded in 1978 and is known for producing high-quality cigars using traditional Cuban methods.
The factory is located in the heart of the Vuelta Abajo region, which is known for producing some of the best tobacco in the world. The tobacco used in the Vegueros cigars is grown in the nearby tobacco fields and carefully selected for its quality and flavor.
The process of making a Vegueros cigar begins with the selection of the tobacco leaves. The leaves are sorted by color and texture, with only the best leaves being used for the cigars. The leaves are then aged and fermented to bring out their natural flavors and aromas.
Once the tobacco has been selected and aged, it is time to begin the rolling process. The tobacco is placed into a mold, which is then pressed to give the cigar its shape. The cigars are then rolled by hand using a special technique called “entubar,” which involves inserting one tobacco leaf inside another to create a smooth and even burn.
After the cigars have been rolled, they are placed in a humidor to age for several months. This allows the flavors of the tobacco to fully develop and ensures that the cigars are at their best when they are finally ready to be sold.
Vegueros cigars are known for their rich and complex flavors, which are a result of the careful selection of tobacco and the traditional Cuban rolling techniques used at the factory. They are highly sought after by cigar enthusiasts around the world and are considered to be some of the finest cigars available.
In addition to producing cigars, the Vegueros Cigar Factory also offers tours for visitors to see the cigar-making process up close. These tours are a popular attraction for those interested in learning more about the art of cigar making and the history of Cuban cigars.
Overall, the Vegueros Cigar Factory is a vital part of the Cuban cigar industry and is known for its commitment to producing high-quality cigars using traditional methods. It is a must-visit destination for any cigar enthusiast visiting Cuba.