Figured Cigars are a type of premium cigar that is distinguished by its unique shape. Unlike the traditional cylindrical shape of most cigars, figurados are made in a variety of shapes and sizes, including pyramid, tapered, and even twisted shapes.
The art of making figured cigars dates back to the early 19th century, and it requires a high level of skill and expertise. The tobacco leaves used to make figurados are carefully selected and aged, and the cigars are handmade by skilled craftsmen known as torcedores. The unique shapes of figurados are created by carefully folding and twisting the tobacco leaves during the rolling process, which creates a cigar that is visually stunning and offers a unique smoking experience.
Figured cigars are often considered to be a step above traditional cigars in terms of quality and flavor. The unique shapes of figurados allow for better air flow, which can enhance the flavor of the cigar. The tobacco used in figured cigars is also often of a higher quality, which adds to their exceptional flavor and taste.
In addition to their superior quality and flavor, figured cigars are also a favorite among collectors due to their unique and visually appealing shapes. Many cigar enthusiasts enjoy collecting and smoking different varieties of figured cigars, and the different shapes and sizes offer a wide range of smoking experiences.
Overall, figured cigars are a premium option for cigar enthusiasts who are looking for something truly special and unique. Their exceptional flavor and unique shapes make them a truly exceptional smoking experience.