Cuban cigars come in a variety of shapes, or vitolas, each with its own characteristics and flavor profile. Some of the most popular Cuban cigar shapes include:
- Robusto: A short, stocky cigar with a diameter of about 50 ring gauge (20 mm) and a length of about 5 inches (127 mm). Robusto cigars have a medium to full body and are known for their balance of flavor and strength.
- Churchill: A longer cigar with a diameter of about 47 ring gauge (18.65 mm) and a length of about 7 inches (178 mm). Churchill cigars have a medium to full body and are known for their complex flavor profile.
- Corona: A medium-sized cigar with a diameter of about 42 ring gauge (16.67 mm) and a length of about 5.5 inches (140 mm). Corona cigars have a medium body and are known for their smooth, creamy flavor.
- Toro: A medium to large cigar with a diameter of about 50 ring gauge (20 mm) and a length of about 6 inches (152 mm). Toro cigars have a medium to full body and are known for their rich, complex flavor.
- Panetela: A thin, long cigar with a diameter of about 38 ring gauge (15.08 mm) and a length of about 6.5 inches (165 mm). Panetela cigars have a light to medium body and are known for their subtle, refined flavor.