Padrón 1964 Anniversary Series Diplomatico
The Padrón 1964 Anniversary Series Diplomatico is a long, dark, and box-pressed cigar that immediately impresses with its chocolate bar-like appearance.
The Padrón 1964 Anniversary Series Diplomatico is a long, dark, and box-pressed cigar that immediately impresses with its chocolate bar-like appearance.
The Casa Magna Colorado Churchill is a robust and full-bodied cigar that stands out with its reddish-brown wrapper and firm construction.
In the ever-evolving world of cigars, one thing has become increasingly clear: the market is shifting, and not just in subtle ways. The recent decision by Habanos S.A. to significantly increase the prices of their most iconic Cuban cigars has sent ripples through the cigar community.
Well now, folks, it seems the Old Regime of Cuban cigars has pulled quite the stunt these last 2 years—tripling their prices overnight. But here’s a thought for our friends in Havana: do you reckon the quality has tripled too?
The Alec Bradley Prensado Churchill is a slightly pressed cigar featuring a dark-brown wrapper that hints at the rich flavors within.
The San Cristobal Revelation Triumph is a distinguished Churchill cigar that evolves in intensity and clarity with each puff.
The Romeo y Julieta 1875 – Exhibicion No. 1 is a strikingly long cigar that captures attention with its slightly spotty wrapper and elegant appearance.
You’ve heard it before—Cuban cigars, the gold standard, the crème de la crème, the stuff of legends. But what if I told you that the times are a-changin’? Today, we’re not just puffing on any old smoke. We’re diving into three cigars that might just leave even the most storied Cuban rolling in its cedar-lined grave. Let’s take a closer look at the Plasencia Alma Fuerte, the Rocky Patel Disciple, and the Merchant Toro, and see if they can truly stand up to the myths.
In the world of premium cigars, enthusiasts often marvel at the vast array of sizes and shapes available. From the robust Robusto to the elegant Churchill, each vitola offers a distinct experience, even when crafted from the same blend of tobaccos.