Anatomy of a Cigar

Anatomy of a Cigar

How a Cigar is Made Learning some cigar anatomy and what makes up a cigar will give you a better understanding and appreciation of cigars. In addition, knowing what makes up a cigar will make your smoking experience more enjoyable. You’ll find it very beneficial in becoming familiar with its structure and construction to see…

Cigar Storage

Cigar Storage

Cigar Humidor Information & Facts Storing your cigars in the proper environment is an important aspect of caring for your cigars. Cigars are natural, organic products and need to be stored just as carefully as you might store food or wine. Cigars need to be kept in a relatively humid environment. If not, the natural…

Smoking Cigars

Cigar Smoking Etiquette

Here is a list of some cigar smoking etiquette   Cigar Lighting & Cutting Etiquette Don’t cut the end off of someone’s cigar without at least asking that person first. Most people prefer to do this themselves. Never light a cigar with candles and regular matches that have a high sulfur content as these can…

Cigars for beginners

Cigars for Beginners

“Mild cigars are the best cigars for beginners” This statement is mostly true for most beginner cigar smokers, since they may not be accustomed to the strong flavors that some of these cigars punch. Although, this can not always be true because each person is different, especially If someone likes strong flavors. For example, my…

Smoking Cigars

How to Smoke a Cigar

Once you have learned how to cut a cigar and mastered cigar lighting, the next step is to sit back and enjoy your cigar. Do not smoke a cigar as you would a cigarette. Cigar smoking is not supposed to be rushed and if you smoke quickly your cigar may overheat, which can ruin the taste. Cigars are…

Light a Cigar

How to Light a Cigar

Once you have successfully cut the cigar, the next step is cigar lighting. Cigar lighting is NOT like lighting a cigarette, it takes longer. The important thing about lighting a cigar is that the cigar must be evenly lit and is not contaminated by the source of the flame. The best lighters to use are…

Cutting a Cigar

How to Cut a Cigar

Before lighting your cigar you must cut the closed capped end off the cigar before you can smoke it. The closed capped end of a cigar is where you put your mouth and you must cut it to allow proper air to flow through the cigar, otherwise it simply won’t draw. Cutting a cigar is…

Cigar Brands

All Cigar Brands

Cigars – List of Cigar Brands The List of Cigar Brands provides a listing of cigar brands from Cuba, the Dominican Republic, Nicaragua, Honduras and other cigar-producing countries from around the world. Cigars are made in a number of different countries, from tobacco grown in various soils and rolled using different techniques. Each cigar manufacturer has their…

Honduran Cigars

Honduran Cigars

Nicaraguan Cigars – Nicaragua Honduras is located in Central America, just northwest of another major cigar producing country, Nicaragua. With its fertile soil and great climate conditions that allows numerous varieties of tobacco seeds to thrive. Honduras is even home to a type of wild tobacco that was used by indigenous people for hundreds of…
