If you’ve always assumed it’s difficult to buy Cuban cigars, I’ve got fantastic news for you. Thousands of satisfied customers have trusted PuroExpress and continue to purchase Cuban cigars online with us since 1997. Buying cigars online with us is so easy and safe, you can rest assured your favorite authentic Cuban cigars and premium cigar brands are always just a couple of clicks away.
We ship anywhere in the world, including the United States. In the unlikely event your cigars are confiscated before delivery or haven’t arrived, you can have peace of mind that with our hassle-free guarantee policy.
PuroExpress carries the largest selection of premium cigars available online so you can always enjoy duty-free shopping at your convenience.
Whether you’re fresh to cigars or an aficionado looking for a yet undiscovered new smoke, let our friendly and knowledgeable staff make expert recommendations and promptly answer any questions you may have.
We’re fussy about our cigars and baby our products in a temperature and humidity controlled environment.
To make sure your cigars arrive in the same pristine condition it left us, we carefully pack each order in bubble wrap and waterproof the package to maintain maximum freshness.
You’re also protected by our money back guarantee, so if it still gets damaged en route or you find mold, return them, and we’ll sort it out to your satisfaction.