Cigar Insights

The New Frontier – Why Aficionados Are Embracing Non-Cuban Cigars

The world of premium cigars is vast, and while Cuba may be steeped in tradition, today’s cigar aficionados are embracing a fresh frontier. New World cigars—crafted in regions like Nicaragua, the Dominican Republic, and Honduras—are more than alternatives; they’re authentic, handcrafted expressions of flavor, tradition, and innovation that stand firmly on their own.

Beyond the Myth

15 Exceptional Cigars to Smoke Right Now

Here’s an updated lineup of the finest cigars to experience at this moment. With scores between 90 and 95, these cigars offer a range of flavors, complexities, and satisfying experiences that suit both new enthusiasts and seasoned connoisseurs. Each brand listed has been carefully selected to represent the best qualities in the industry.

A Letter from Rolf: Bespoke—The Cigar That’s Challenging the Old Guard

When I first started Puroexpress nearly 30 years ago, the cigar industry was a different beast. Back then, it was all about the tobacco—the rich flavors, the meticulous craftsmanship, the simple joy of a good smoke. But somewhere along the line, things got… flashy. Cigars started coming dressed like they were heading to a gala—fancy bands, ornate boxes, marketing campaigns that could rival a Hollywood blockbuster.