Short cigar reviews from Puroexpress.

Bespoke Nicaragua

Bespoke Nicaragua Gran Robusto

In a landscape where cherished brands have begun to distance themselves from the very connoisseurs who held them in high esteem, Don Palomon’s Merchant line emerges as a beacon of respect and appreciation. Our vision is clear: to offer you not just cigars, but a token of esteem—a recognition of your refined palate and a celebration of your loyalty.

Bespoke Cigars

Savor the Secret

In the realm of premium cigars, there are those that shout their excellence from the rooftops, and then there are those that quietly beckon to the discerning few. Bespoke by Puroexpress falls into the latter category—a line crafted with meticulous care, reserved for those who understand that true quality speaks for itself.

Merchant Cigars

Embracing the Connoisseur

In a landscape where cherished brands have begun to distance themselves from the very connoisseurs who held them in high esteem, Don Palomon’s Merchant line emerges as a beacon of respect and appreciation. Our vision is clear: to offer you not just cigars, but a token of esteem—a recognition of your refined palate and a celebration of your loyalty.

Alec Bradley Black Market Churchill

Alec Bradley Black Market Churchill

The Alec Bradley Black Market Churchill cigar is a popular choice among cigar enthusiasts for its complex flavor profile and smooth, satisfying smoke. The cigar features a Nicaraguan wrapper that is dark and oily, giving it a rich and luxurious appearance. The binder is Sumatran, and the filler is a blend of Nicaraguan and Honduran…

Oliva Serie V Churchill Extra

Oliva Serie V Churchill Extra

The Oliva Serie V Churchill Extra is a high-quality cigar that has been consistently well-received since its introduction in 2007. The company, Oliva, has a long history in the cigar industry, starting out in 1995 by producing inexpensive cigars. In the mid 2000s, it shifted its focus to the premium sector and began producing highly…

Hoyo de Monterrey Elegantes

Hoyo de Monterrey Elegantes

The Hoyo de Monterrey Elegantes is a premium cigar that is handcrafted in the Dominican Republic. It features a rich blend of Cuban-seed tobaccos and a flavorful Ecuadorian Sumatra wrapper. The cigar is medium to full-bodied, with notes of cedar, coffee, and chocolate that are balanced by a smooth and creamy finish. The Elegantes is…

Davidoff Nicaragua Diadema

Davidoff Nicaragua Diadema

The Davidoff Nicaragua Diadema is a premium cigar that is handcrafted in the Dominican Republic. It features a rich blend of Nicaraguan filler tobaccos and a flavorful Nicaraguan wrapper. The cigar is medium to full-bodied, with notes of spice, earth, and pepper that are balanced by a smooth and creamy finish. The Diadema is a…