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Cohiba. The name alone carries weight, conjuring images of smooth, balanced draws and a taste that’s been coveted by aficionados since its inception. With notes of creamy cedar, light spice, and subtle floral undertones, Cohiba cigars have long been a standard of sophistication and luxury.
Once upon a time, Cuban cigars reigned supreme—a symbol of luxury as steadfast as the North Star. But even the mightiest ships can run aground, and Habanos, the captain of this once-unsinkable vessel, has hit every iceberg in the sea.
There’s something undeniably captivating about a Maduro cigar. The rich, dark wrapper glistening with oils, the promise of bold, complex flavors, and the experience that only time can perfect.
For many cigar enthusiasts, the Cohiba Robusto has long been a benchmark of excellence—a symbol of tradition and craftsmanship. While its reputation is well-deserved, the world of premium cigars offers a wealth of exceptional options that can elevate your smoking experience to new heights.
When I first started Puroexpress nearly 30 years ago, the cigar industry was a different beast. Back then, it was all about the tobacco—the rich flavors, the meticulous craftsmanship, the simple joy of a good smoke. But somewhere along the line, things got… flashy. Cigars started coming dressed like they were heading to a gala—fancy bands, ornate boxes, marketing campaigns that could rival a Hollywood blockbuster.
Introducing Fratelli del Sigaro—crafted with the finest premium tobacco for those who value exceptional quality and personal attention. This exclusive collection, available in limited quantities, redefines what a true luxury cigar should be.
Cuban cigars have long been the gold standard in the world of premium cigars. The mystique surrounding these hand-rolled treasures from Havana has been built on decades of tradition, craftsmanship, and exclusivity.
As cigar culture continues to evolve, it’s clear that the days of the “Old Boys’ Club” are over
In the ever-evolving world of cigars, one thing has become increasingly clear: the market is shifting, and not just in subtle ways. The recent decision by Habanos S.A. to significantly increase the prices of their most iconic Cuban cigars has sent ripples through the cigar community.