Alec Bradley Black Market Churchill

Alec Bradley Black Market Churchill

The Alec Bradley Black Market Churchill cigar is a popular choice among cigar enthusiasts for its complex flavor profile and smooth, satisfying smoke. The cigar features a Nicaraguan wrapper that is dark and oily, giving it a rich and luxurious appearance. The binder is Sumatran, and the filler is a blend of Nicaraguan and Honduran…

Oliva Serie V Churchill Extra

Oliva Serie V Churchill Extra

The Oliva Serie V Churchill Extra is a high-quality cigar that has been consistently well-received since its introduction in 2007. The company, Oliva, has a long history in the cigar industry, starting out in 1995 by producing inexpensive cigars. In the mid 2000s, it shifted its focus to the premium sector and began producing highly…

Hoyo de Monterrey Elegantes

Hoyo de Monterrey Elegantes

The Hoyo de Monterrey Elegantes is a premium cigar that is handcrafted in the Dominican Republic. It features a rich blend of Cuban-seed tobaccos and a flavorful Ecuadorian Sumatra wrapper. The cigar is medium to full-bodied, with notes of cedar, coffee, and chocolate that are balanced by a smooth and creamy finish. The Elegantes is…

Davidoff Nicaragua Diadema

Davidoff Nicaragua Diadema

The Davidoff Nicaragua Diadema is a premium cigar that is handcrafted in the Dominican Republic. It features a rich blend of Nicaraguan filler tobaccos and a flavorful Nicaraguan wrapper. The cigar is medium to full-bodied, with notes of spice, earth, and pepper that are balanced by a smooth and creamy finish. The Diadema is a…

Rocky Patel Sixty Sixty

Rocky Patel Sixty Sixty

Rocky Patel Sixty Sixty is a premium cigar brand that has been gaining popularity among cigar enthusiasts in recent years. The company was founded by Indian-American entrepreneur Rocky Patel, who has over 20 years of experience in the cigar industry. Mr. Patel celebrated his 60th birthday in 2021 by releasing a new this amazing cigar.…

Plasencia Reserva Original Corona

Plasencia Reserva Original Corona

When it comes to top-notch cigars, few brands carry the same level of prestige as Padrón. With a long history of winning Cigar of the Year and consistently ranking in the top 10 every year since the Top 25 list has existed, it’s no surprise that Padrón is highly sought after by cigar aficionados. The…


La Gloria Cubana Classic Glorias

La Gloria Cubana is a premium cigar brand with a rich history dating back to the 1950s. Originally rolled in the heart of Miami’s Little Havana neighborhood, the brand gained national recognition and was eventually acquired by tobacco corporation General Cigar in 1997. Despite the change in ownership, General Cigar has maintained the brand’s reputation…


Espinosa Knuckle Sandwich Habano Corona Gorda R

The appeal of the Knuckle Sandwich goes beyond just its flavors. The brand also has a unique and eye-catching design, with its distinctive “knuckle” shaped head and distinctive packaging. This attention to detail and focus on creating a unique cigar experience makes the Knuckle Sandwich a standout in the crowded cigar market. But the Knuckle…


Tatuaje Capa Especial Cohete

Pete Johnson’s Tatuaje Cigars is known for its unique and memorable blends, and the Cohete is no exception. Originally released in 2022, the Cohete is a short robusto that is available in three different wrapper options. Out of the three, the Capa Especial wrapper made from Ecuadorian Sumatra-seed tobacco stood out as the tastiest and…