The Alec Bradley Black Market Churchill cigar is a popular choice among cigar enthusiasts for its complex flavor profile and smooth, satisfying smoke. The cigar features a Nicaraguan wrapper that is dark and oily, giving it a rich and luxurious appearance. The binder is Sumatran, and the filler is a blend of Nicaraguan and Honduran tobaccos. The combination of these tobaccos creates a flavor profile that is rich and full-bodied, with notes of cocoa, coffee, and a hint of sweetness. The cigar has a smooth draw and a consistent burn, making it a pleasure to smoke from start to finish. Overall, the Alec Bradley Black Market Churchill is a high-quality cigar that is perfect for relaxing after a long day or enjoying with friends.
This premium cigar is crafted by the Plasencias in Honduras and features a Nicaraguan wrapper. The binder is made of Sumatra-seed tobacco from Ecuador, while the filler is a blend of Honduran and Panamanian tobacco. The addition of Panamanian tobacco adds a unique element to the flavor profile, which is balanced and full-bodied with notes of nuts, herbs, hickory, and spice. The cigar has a medium to full body and a rich, smooth smoke that saturates the palate with every puff. This Churchill cigar stood out in a Top 25 contest due to its unusual blend and its ability to bring together the familiar and the exotic in a harmonious and satisfying way.
Dimensions: 7″ by 50 ring gauge
Filler: Honduras, Panama
Binder: Ecuador
Wrapper: Nicaragua
Strength: Medium-Full
Made By: Tabacos de Oriente S.A.
Factory Location: Honduras