From Seed to Smoke: The Journey of New World Tobacco

From Seed to Smoke: The Journey of New World Tobacco

For cigar aficionados, the journey of tobacco is as integral to the experience as the cigar itself. Unlike Cuban cigars, which are limited to the island’s unique climate and traditions, New World cigars encompass a vast range of terroirs, cultivation practices, and blending expertise that results in distinctive flavors and unparalleled quality.

Cuban Heritage, Non-Cuban Soil: The Legacy of Cuban Master Blenders Abroad

The rich tradition of Cuban cigar craftsmanship has profoundly influenced the global cigar industry. In recent decades, many esteemed Cuban master blenders have brought their expertise to other countries, significantly enhancing the quality and diversity of non-Cuban cigars. This movement has given rise to a legacy that combines Cuban heritage with the rich soils and innovative approaches found outside the island.