Redefining Excellence in Every Draw
When luxury and rarity define a cigar like the Cuban Behike, it’s a challenge to find a worthy alternative. That’s precisely the void Bespoke Private Blend aims to fill. Introducing the Bespoke Laguito Line: crafted not only to compete with the esteemed Behike through our meticulous private blend but also to surpass it at times. This achievement stems from our superior quality management and construction practices, ensuring each cigar offers a consistently better draw and overall smoking experience.
Precision Craftsmanship in Three Distinct Sizes
Our Bespoke Laguito Line is a direct response to cigar enthusiasts’ quest for the elusive Behike experience:
**Bespoke Laguito No. 5** mirrors the Behike BHK 52 with its 54-ring gauge and 144mm length, offering a balanced fusion of deep earthy tones and intense flavors.
**Bespoke Laguito No. 6** aligns with the Behike BHK 54, featuring a 55-ring gauge and 166mm length, for a full-bodied smoke that evolves beautifully with each draw.
**Bespoke Laguito 6 Colosso** compares to the Behike BHK 56 with its imposing 62-ring gauge and 165mm length, designed for a robust, flavor-packed experience.
Crafted Without Compromise
Bespoke Private Blend stands out by focusing on the essentials: premium quality tobacco, impeccable construction, and a commitment to consistency. Our cigars are not just made; they are crafted with an expert touch and unwavering attention to detail, ensuring a superior smoking experience without the offensive price tag of their Cuban counterparts.
Experience the Bespoke Difference
Visit and experience for yourself why the Bespoke Private Blend is becoming a preferred choice among discerning smokers. Our dedication to crafting a superior blend, coupled with our commitment to quality construction, has created a cigar that surpasses the exaggerated hype of luxury branding. With no fancy rings or packaging, our focus remains on the cigar’s superb quality and flavor. This straightforward, no-frills approach has not only set a new benchmark for luxury but also cultivated a word-of-mouth reputation, making Bespoke a must-have in humidors around the world.
“Experience the Bespoke revelation: flawless construction and a special blend that’s turning aficionados into loyal fans. Why wait for others when you can have the best now at”