Cohiba Siglo VI is a premium cigar made by Habanos S.A., the Cuban state-owned tobacco company. It is part of the Cohiba line of cigars, which was created in 1966 as a personal blend for Cuban leader Fidel Castro. The Siglo VI is one of the newer additions to the Cohiba line, having been released in 2002 to celebrate the 35th anniversary of the brand.
The Siglo VI is a long, slender cigar with a length of 156 mm (6.1 inches) and a ring gauge of 52. It is made with a blend of the finest tobacco leaves from the Vuelta Abajo region of Cuba, which is renowned for producing some of the world’s best tobacco. The tobacco used for the Siglo VI undergoes an extra fermentation process known as “tripa larga, totalmente a mano” (long filler, totally by hand), which gives the cigar its unique flavor and aroma.
The flavor of the Cohiba Siglo VI is medium to full bodied, with notes of wood, earth, and spice. It has a complex, well-balanced taste that is sure to please even the most discerning cigar aficionados. The cigar has a smooth, even burn and a long, satisfying finish.
In conclusion, the Cohiba Siglo VI is a top-quality cigar that is sure to impress with its outstanding flavor and construction. It is a must-try for anyone who appreciates fine Cuban cigars.