Cuaba cigars are premium cigars made in Cuba. They are known for their distinctive shape, which is similar to that of a Cuban cigar from the 19th century. The shape, known as a “double figurado,” is characterized by a bulge in the middle and tapered ends. Cuaba cigars are made using the finest tobacco leaves from the Vuelta Abajo region of Cuba, which is known for producing some of the best tobacco in the world. The cigars are hand-rolled by experienced artisans using the traditional Cuban method.
Cuaba cigars have a medium to full body and a rich, complex flavor. The taste is primarily that of earth and wood, with hints of spice and sweetness. The aroma is also rich and complex, with notes of cedar and leather. The burn is slow and even, allowing for a long and enjoyable smoking experience.
Cuaba cigars are a popular choice among aficionados and are often enjoyed after a meal or with a glass of fine cognac. They are available in a range of sizes, including the popular “Tradicionales” size, which measures approximately 5.5 inches in length with a ring gauge of 52.
In conclusion, Cuaba Tradicionales cigars are premium cigars made in Cuba using the finest tobacco leaves from the Vuelta Abajo region. They are known for their distinctive shape and rich, complex flavor. They are a popular choice among cigar enthusiasts and are often enjoyed after a meal or with a drink.