The Davidoff Nicaragua Diadema is a premium cigar that is handcrafted in the Dominican Republic. It features a rich blend of Nicaraguan filler tobaccos and a flavorful Nicaraguan wrapper. The cigar is medium to full-bodied, with notes of spice, earth, and pepper that are balanced by a smooth and creamy finish.
The Diadema is a beautifully constructed cigar, with a sleek and elegant appearance. The wrapper is a rich, dark brown color and the cigar is perfectly rolled, with a smooth and even burn.
One of the standout features of the Davidoff Nicaragua Diadema is the flavor. The Nicaraguan filler tobaccos provide a rich and complex flavor profile, with notes of spice, earth, and pepper. The Nicaraguan wrapper adds a subtle sweetness and a smooth, creamy finish. The cigar is well-balanced and incredibly smooth, making it a pleasure to smoke.
The Davidoff Nicaragua Diadema is a premium cigar that features a blend of Nicaraguan filler tobaccos from the country’s major growing regions: Estelí, Condega, Jalapa and Ometepe. This bold blend is enhanced by the cigar’s tapers and curves, which sharpen the flavors and bring them into focus. The result is a smoking experience that is complex and sophisticated, with precise notes of red fruit, walnut, and maple syrup that enhance the rich core of nutmeg. In addition to its bold flavor, the Diadema is also known for its elegant appearance, making it a cigar that is as refined in character as it is in taste.
The Diadema is a great choice for experienced cigar enthusiasts who appreciate a flavorful and well-crafted cigar. It pairs well with a variety of beverages, including whiskey, rum, and scotch. Whether you’re relaxing on your own or sharing a smoke with friends, the Davidoff Nicaragua Diadema is a cigar that is sure to impress.
Dimensions: 6 1/2″ by 50 ring gauge
Filler: Nicaragua
Binder: Nicaragua
Wrapper: Nicaragua
Strength: Medium-Full
Made By:Cigars Davidoff
Factory Location: Dom. Rep.