E.P. Carrillo Cigar Co. has a history of producing top-rated cigars, having won Cigar of the Year with the Pledge Prequel in 2020 and ranking as a top cigar in previous years. The company’s latest creation, a 58 ring gauge cigar called the E.P. Carrillo 58, takes the blend from the Pledge Prequel and amplifies its bold flavors of cocoa powder, black pepper, and hickory. The wrapper is made from Cuban-seed tobacco from Connecticut, adding to the cigar’s depth of flavor. The E.P. Carrillo 58 also has sweet notes of vanilla and marshmallow, making it a well-rounded and satisfying smoke. Ernesto Perez-Carrillo, the cigarmaker behind this brand, chose not to make a 60 ring gauge cigar as he believed it would compromise the character of the blend.
Dimensions: 6 1/4″ by 58 ring gauge
Filler: Nicaragua
Binder: Ecuador
Wrapper: U.S.A. Conn. Habano
Strength: Medium-Full
Made By: Tabacalera La Alianza S.A.
Factory Location: Dom. Rep.