A Journey with Cohiba Siglo VI and Puroexpress’s Bespoke Collection
In the rich tapestry of premium cigars, the Cohiba Siglo VI stands as a legend, introduced with grandeur by Habanos S.A. in the United Kingdom during the summer of 2003. Known affectionately in Cuban factories as the “cañonazo,” or cannon shot, this formidable cigar brought Cuba into the era of thick cigars with its full-bodied smoke layered with leather and coffee notes.
Rolf, the founder of Puroexpress, vividly remembers a pivotal figure from the early days in the Canary Islands. “There was this remarkable individual, deeply versed in the world of tobacco, who had spent seven significant years in Cuba. Positioned at the drying barns and storage houses, he played a crucial role, deciding the fate of each leaf for esteemed brands like Cohiba. His expert judgment determined whether a leaf would enhance the wrap, binder, or filler,” Rolf recalls.
This expert wasn’t just an associate but a profound influence, though not a mentor in the traditional sense. His professional insights were invaluable. “His discernment was impeccable. He wasn’t just any expert; he was the expert—the one corporations trusted to select the finest tobacco across Cuba and even in places like Nicaragua,” Rolf adds.
The expert’s endorsement of the Cohiba Siglo VI went beyond mere preference. It was a testament to what he considered the zenith of cigar excellence. “He used to say the Cohiba Siglo VI was the best, and whenever he visited Cuba, he would be gifted a mazo of these exquisite, bandless Siglo VIs. That level of quality became a benchmark that deeply influenced our aspirations,” Rolf explains.
With a deep respect for this quality, Rolf has always held a special place for the Cohiba Siglo VI. But as he steered Puroexpress through the evolving cigar landscape, he saw an opportunity to create something unique yet familiar. Thus, the Bespoke collection was born, crafted with the intent to provide a seamless transition for aficionados of the Cuban masterpiece, but with enhanced consistency and reliability.
Bespoke Piramide
Discover the epitome of sophisticated smoking with the Bespoke Piramide. Its 52-ring gauge and 156mm length offer a sublime balance for a rich smoking experience. Each Piramide is made with meticulous attention to detail, ensuring a steady burn and a satisfying draw. The distinctive blend unfolds with a tantalizing mix of sweet and earthy tones, progressing into a robust, intricately balanced array of flavors. The Bespoke Piramide provides a memorable smoking experience that is both deeply gratifying and lingering.
Bespoke Robusto
Revel in the bespoke luxury of the Bespoke Robusto, a testament to our mastery in crafting premium cigars. With a 50-ring gauge and a length of 124mm, it offers an impeccable blend of size and flavor. Each Robusto, expertly crafted, promises a uniform burn and an easy draw. Our secret blend of flavors unfolds beautifully with each puff, starting with an alluring medley of earthy and sweet notes, escalating to a panorama of full-bodied, balanced flavors. The Bespoke Robusto delivers a lavish smoking experience like no other.
Rolf describes the Bespoke range, including the Piramide and Robusto, as a refined extension of the classic Cohiba experience. “The idea was to mirror that exceptional Cohiba experience,” says Rolf, “but to iron out the inconsistencies that sometimes mar Cuban cigars. We wanted our blend to be impeccably consistent, offering the same superior experience with every smoke.”
As Puroexpress grew, so did the reputation of the Bespoke collection, spreading through word of mouth among those who sought a refined yet reliable cigar experience. “We’ve focused on the quality of the build rather than the hype of the packaging. It’s simple, no frills—because what truly matters is the smoke inside,” Rolf asserts.
Rolf’s dedication to quality over ostentation has not only cemented Puroexpress’s position in the market but has also introduced a viable contender to the revered Cuban brands. The Bespoke collection stands as a testament to the possibilities outside the Cuban tradition—holding onto the essence of classic cigars while infusing them with consistent quality and a touch of modern craftsmanship.
“In this craft, a cigar is more than just a smoke; it’s a narrative of luxury, a quiet moment captured between the fingers of those who know its worth,” Rolf concludes, reflecting on the journey from enjoying the iconic Cohiba Siglo VI to creating a bespoke blend that may very well surpass it in the hearts of cigar lovers worldwide.
The Bespoke Piramide and Robusto, with their precise construction and balanced flavor profiles, are not just alternatives but preferred choices for many connoisseurs. They offer a luxurious smoking experience that maintains the high standards aficionados expect, yet excel in delivering a consistently superior experience that captures the essence of what makes a great cigar truly memorable.
This narrative of relentless pursuit of quality and the dedication to a refined smoking experience encapsulates the ethos of Puroexpress. Rolf and his team’s commitment to excellence ensures that each cigar in the Bespoke range not only pays homage to the legendary Cohiba Siglo VI but also sets a new standard in the world of premium cigars.