La Flor Dominicana Oro Chisel cigars are a luxurious and bold choice for cigar enthusiasts. The gold tubo and golden band are a nod to brand owner Litto Gomez’s background as a jeweler before entering the cigar industry. Now, his expertise lies in selecting and growing the finest tobacco, much of which is grown on his La Canela farm in the Dominican Republic. The dry climate of this region produces strong, spicy tobaccos that are a hallmark of La Flor Dominicana cigars. The Oro Chisel blend is made mostly with tobacco from Gomez’s farm, with the exception of the Nicaraguan wrapper, which adds strength and depth to the flavor. The wedge-shaped head of the cigar concentrates the smoke, making it even more potent. Overall, the La Flor Dominicana Oro Chisel is a strong and sophisticated choice for cigar connoisseurs.
Dimensions: 6″ by 54 ring gauge
Filler: Dom. Rep.
Binder: Dom. Rep.
Wrapper: Nicaragua
Strength: Medium-Full
Made By: Tabacalera La Flor S.A.
Factory Location: Dom. Rep.