Looking for a strong, flavorful cigar with a unique wrapper? The My Father Le Bijou 1922 Churchill may be just what you’re seeking. This cigar features an oscuro-oscuro wrapper, a classification used by My Father Cigars to describe its exceptionally dark tobacco. The blend, created by Cigar Aficionado hall-of-famer José “Pepín” Garcia, pays tribute to Garcia’s father and is made with all-Nicaraguan tobacco. The Churchill has a rich, oily wrapper and delivers bold notes of chocolate, leather, and spice, with a subtle undercurrent of butterscotch sweetness and a hint of cinnamon. If you appreciate a hearty smoke with a touch of elegance, the My Father Le Bijou 1922 Churchill is worth trying.
Special mention about this great brand:
The My Father cigar brand has a rich history and a reputation for producing high-quality, full-bodied cigars. Founded by José “Pepín” Garcia, a Cuban-born master blender and Cigar Aficionado hall-of-famer, the company has its roots in the tobacco fields of Cuba. However, after moving to Nicaragua in the late 1990s, Garcia and his son Jaime established the My Father Cigars factory in Estelí.
Since its inception, My Father has garnered a loyal following among cigar enthusiasts, due in part to its commitment to using only the finest tobacco in its blends. The company prides itself on growing its own tobacco and personally overseeing every step of the production process, from seed to cigar. This attention to detail is evident in the rich, complex flavors found in My Father cigars.
One of the brand’s most popular lines is the My Father Le Bijou 1922, a Churchill-sized cigar that pays tribute to Garcia’s father. The cigar features an oscuro-oscuro wrapper, a classification used by My Father to describe its exceptionally dark tobacco, and is made with all-Nicaraguan tobacco. The Le Bijou 1922 has a rich, oily wrapper and delivers bold notes of chocolate, leather, and spice, with a subtle undercurrent of butterscotch sweetness and a hint of cinnamon.
In addition to the Le Bijou 1922, My Father offers a wide range of cigars to suit different preferences. The Flor de las Antillas line, for example, is a medium- to full-bodied cigar with a sweet, nutty flavor profile, while the Don Pepín Garcia Original boasts a full-bodied blend of Nicaraguan and Cuban-seed tobaccos. No matter which My Father cigar you choose, you can expect a high-quality smoke with bold, complex flavors.
Dimensions: 7″ by 50 ring gauge
Filler: Nicaragua
Binder: Nicaragua
Wrapper: Nicaragua
Strength: Medium-Full
Made By: My Father Cigars S.A.
Factory Location: Nicaragua