The Oliva Serie V Churchill Extra is a high-quality cigar that has been consistently well-received since its introduction in 2007. The company, Oliva, has a long history in the cigar industry, starting out in 1995 by producing inexpensive cigars. In the mid 2000s, it shifted its focus to the premium sector and began producing highly regarded brands such as the Serie O and the Serie V. In 2016, the company was sold to the Vandermarliere family of Belgium, who have continued Oliva’s commitment to excellence. The Churchill Extra offers flavors of cinnamon, baked apple, nuts, raisin, and minerals, and is a great example of how a company can maintain its traditions and high standards even after a change in ownership.
Dimensions: 7″ by 52 ring gauge
Filler: Nicaraqua
Binder: Nicaragua
Wrapper: Nicaragua
Strength: Medium-Full
Made By: Tabacalera Oliva S.A.
Factory Location: Nicaragua