The Partagás Lusitania is a premium cigar from the Cuban brand Partagás. It is known for its large size and bold, full-bodied flavor. The cigar is hand-rolled using tobacco leaves from the Vuelta Abajo region of Cuba, which is considered to be the finest tobacco-growing region in the world.
The Partagás Lusitania is a massive Double Corona-sized cigar that is typically smoked for over an hour. It has a dark, oily wrapper and a complex flavor profile with notes of cedar, earth, and spice. The cigar is known for its robust flavor and smooth, consistent burn.
In terms of construction, the Partagás Lusitania is considered to be one of the finest cigars on the market. It is rolled using a blend of the highest-quality filler tobaccos and a top-grade wrapper leaf. This attention to detail ensures that the cigar delivers a consistently satisfying smoke.
Overall, the Partagás Lusitania is a true connoisseur’s cigar. Its bold flavor and exceptional construction make it a must-try for any serious cigar enthusiast.