The Cohiba 55 Aniversario Edición Limitada 2021 is a cigar that has been generating a lot of buzz in the cigar industry. As a brand, Cohiba is already highly respected and sought after, and the fact that this cigar celebrates the brand’s 55th anniversary only adds to its allure. However, it is the hefty price tag of $300 per cigar that has really caught people’s attention.
The Cohiba 55 Aniversario Edición Limitada 2021 was released in 2022, first in Lebanon and Cyprus and then later in Havana with lavish launch parties. Despite the hype, the cigar did not disappoint, with critics and cigar aficionados alike praising its exceptional taste. The blend for this cigar is a closely guarded secret, but it is known to be made with the finest tobacco leaves and expertly crafted by skilled cigar makers.
The Cohiba 55 Aniversario Edición Limitada 2021 is a large cigar, measuring 7.5 inches in length with a ring gauge of 55. This size allows for a longer smoking experience and allows the flavors of the cigar to develop and evolve as it is smoked. The cigar is known for its rich, complex flavor profile, with notes of wood, spice, and sweetness. It has a smooth and creamy texture, with a long and satisfying finish.
The Cohiba 55 Aniversario Edición Limitada 2021 is not a cigar for everyone, due to its limited availability and high price tag. However, for those who are able to get their hands on one of these rare cigars, it is an unforgettable smoking experience. The combination of exceptional quality, expert craftsmanship, and the cachet of the Cohiba brand make this cigar a true luxury item. Whether you are a seasoned cigar aficionado or just looking for a special treat, the Cohiba 55 Aniversario Edición Limitada 2021 is a cigar that is worth the splurge.
Dimensions: 5 7/8″ by 57 ring gauge
Filler: Cuba
Binder: Cuba
Wrapper: Cuba
Strength: Medium-Full
Made By: Habanos S.A.
Factory Location: Cuba