Altadis U.S.A., a leading cigar company, has recently made significant changes to its cigar portfolio, focusing on modernizing blends and updating the flavors of its most popular brands. One brand that received a complete overhaul is the Romeo y Julieta Reserva Real, a mild Dominican cigar. The new version, called the Romeo y Julieta Reserva Real Nicaragua Churchill, is made in Nicaragua by A.J. Fernandez in collaboration with Rafael Nodal, head of product capability at Altadis. This cigar is available exclusively in the United States, where Cuban cigars cannot be legally sold. The Romeo y Julieta Reserva Real Nicaragua Churchill is full of bold Nicaraguan tobacco that offers a range of flavors including salted caramel, Middle Eastern spices, coffee, and a nutty, leathery core. As a Churchill size, this cigar provides a long, enjoyable smoke with a smooth progression of flavors.
Dimensions: 7″ by 50 ring gauge
Filler: Nicaragua
Binder: Nicaragua
Wrapper: Nicaragua
Strength: Medium-Full
Made By: Tabacalera A.J. Fernandez Cigars de Nicaragua S.A.
Factory Location: Nicaragua