The Most Impressive Laguitos Cigars
Laguitos cigars, known for their slender, elegant shape, offer a refined smoking experience. These cigars are perfect for those who appreciate a more delicate and nuanced flavor profile. In this article, we explore some of the most impressive Laguitos cigars, each showcasing exceptional craftsmanship and flavor.
1. Bespoke Nicaragua Laguito
Puroexpress Rating: 94
Wrapper: Ecuadorian Habano
Binder: Nicaraguan
Filler: Nicaraguan (Esteli, Condega, Jalapa)
Length: 7.5″
Ring Gauge: 38
Strength: Medium-Full
The Bespoke Nicaragua Laguito is a slender masterpiece that embodies the best of Nicaraguan tobacco. Its Ecuadorian Habano wrapper adds a touch of elegance, while the blend of Nicaraguan fillers delivers a harmonious mix of earthy richness, fragrant spice, and subtle sweetness. This cigar offers a smooth draw and an evolving flavor profile that keeps the smoker engaged from start to finish.
2. Cohiba Lancero
Puroexpress Rating: 92
Wrapper: Cuban
Binder: Cuban
Filler: Cuban
Length: 7.5″
Ring Gauge: 38
Strength: Medium
The Cohiba Lancero is a classic Cuban cigar highly regarded for its elegant shape and complex flavor profile. It features a delightful blend of cedar, coffee, and a touch of spice, making it a favorite among aficionados.
3. Montecristo No. 1
Puroexpress Rating: 91
Wrapper: Cuban
Binder: Cuban
Filler: Cuban
Length: 6.5″
Ring Gauge: 42
Strength: Medium-Full
The Montecristo No. 1 is a Cuban classic that offers a rich, complex smoking experience. This Laguito features flavors of cedar, nuts, and a hint of vanilla, all delivered in a smooth and creamy smoke.
4. Arturo Fuente Hemingway Signature
Puroexpress Rating: 90
Wrapper: Cameroon
Binder: Dominican
Filler: Dominican
Length: 6″
Ring Gauge: 47
Strength: Medium
The Arturo Fuente Hemingway Signature is a beautifully constructed Laguito that features a delicate Cameroon wrapper. It delivers flavors of cedar, almonds, and a touch of sweetness, making it a refined and elegant smoke.
5. Trinidad Fundadores
Puroexpress Rating: 89
Wrapper: Cuban
Binder: Cuban
Filler: Cuban
Length: 7.6″
Ring Gauge: 40
Strength: Medium
The Trinidad Fundadores is a slender Cuban cigar known for its complexity and balance. It offers a delightful mix of creamy coffee, cedar, and a hint of spice, providing a smooth and enjoyable smoking experience.
6. Davidoff No. 2
Puroexpress Rating: 88
Wrapper: Ecuadorian
Binder: Dominican
Filler: Dominican
Length: 6.6″
Ring Gauge: 38
Strength: Medium
The Davidoff No. 2 is a slender and elegant cigar that showcases the brand’s commitment to quality and craftsmanship. It delivers a complex flavor profile with notes of cedar, nuts, and a touch of sweetness, all wrapped in a smooth and creamy smoke.
These Laguitos cigars represent the pinnacle of cigar craftsmanship, offering a range of flavors and strengths to suit any palate. Among them, the Bespoke Nicaragua Laguito and the Cohiba Lancero stand out for their exquisite blends and superior construction, making them must-tries for any serious cigar aficionado. Whether you are new to cigars or a seasoned smoker, these Laguitos promise a luxurious and satisfying smoking experience.