Cigar History and Production
Sancho Panza Cigars The brand of Sancho Panza cigars is named after the simple farmer recruited as a squire by the fictional Don Quixote in the famous 1605 novel by Miguel de Cervantes. It may have been the unique, earthy wit of the Sancho character in the story that prompted Emilio Ahmsted, the creator of…
San Cristobal Cigars The San Cristobal is the latest, and considered quite possibly to be the last new series of Cuban brand cigars. Launched in 1996, the brand was named after the original name of the famous Cuban cigar city, Havana. San Cristobal cigars boast four sizes (vitolas). Each one is named for one of…
The Rafael Gonzalez brand cigar dates back to approximately 1928. The cigar originally went by the name La Flor de Marquez. Rafael Gonzalez became the registered trademark of the cigar in 1936. The Sociedad El Rey Del Mundo registered the new name in Cuba. The cigars are made from the finest tobacco grown in the…
Along with his brothers, Augustin Quintero got involved in the tobacco industry during the 1920s. They made their humble beginnings in their Cuban hometown of Cienfuegos in the province of Las Villas. The strong flavor of the Quintero cigars coupled with the incredible low price, make it the perfect everyday cigar for Cuban cigar aficionados…
The La Gloria Cubana cigars are among the oldest Cuban cigars. The Sociedad Cabanas y Castro created the brand in 1885 and sold it twenty years later, in 1905 to Jose F. Rocha. Rocha moved the production of the brand to his Havana factory. After the death of Rocha in 1954, the La Gloria Cubana…
The Fonseca is a truly exquisite cigar. It is the only Cuban cigar that comes wrapped in a delicate, silk-like paper. Cigar aficionados believe that it is this superior wrapping that provides the cigar with the optimum humidity to maintain its glorious flavor. The wrapper also prevents the cigar from getting damaged. Smokers marvel over…
The El Rey del Mundo (translated to English means King of the World) brand cigars are believed to be from the same creator as the Sancho Panza, Emilio Ohmstedt, a German businessman, in 1848. There was a time when this brand was the most expensive and the most prestigious Cuban cigar in the world. Sometime…
The Diplomaticos brand cigars were introduced to the world in 1966. They are one of the few Habanos brands exclusively dedicated to producing handmade cigars from the finest tobacco grown in the lush Vuelta Abajo region of Cuba. The names and sizes are essentially copies of the Montecristo brand cigars. And just like most of…
The president of Habanos SA, Francisco Linares officially launched the Cuaba brand of cigars on Nov. 19, 1996. The official launch was held in London, England at the Claridge Hotel. The brand was presented as the “perfect” line of cigars. The Cuaba was launched as an effort to revive the figuardo shaped cigar. This style…