Bespoke Flying Pig: Compact Power, Rich Complexity
Discover the exceptional craftsmanship of the Bespoke Flying Pig—a luxury cigar that redefines elegance and flavor in a compact form
At Puroexpress, we are passionate about providing cigar enthusiasts with the finest smoking experiences. Our cigar rating system is designed to offer clear, reliable assessments of the cigars we feature, helping you make informed choices. We pride ourselves on our meticulous rating process, which reflects our commitment to quality and excellence in every puff.
Our rating system is based on a thorough evaluation process that considers several critical aspects of each cigar. Here’s how we break down our ratings and what we look for:
Construction: We inspect the cigar for its overall build quality, including the firmness, the evenness of the roll, and the quality of the cap. A well-constructed cigar should feel firm yet resilient when gently squeezed. Appearance: The visual appeal of the cigar matters. We look at the color, texture, and sheen of the wrapper. A good cigar has an even, attractive wrapper with minimal blemishes.
Aroma: Before lighting, we take note of the cigar’s aroma. This can provide early indications of the flavor profile to come. Cold Draw: We evaluate the draw of the unlit cigar, assessing the airflow and initial flavors.
Our tasting process involves analyzing the flavors at different stages of the cigar. We look for complexity, balance, and progression of flavors: Initial Flavors: The first few puffs set the stage. We identify primary notes, such as spice, sweetness, or earthiness. Development: As the cigar burns, the flavors should evolve. We look for transitions and how new notes emerge and blend with the initial flavors. Finish: A great cigar leaves a lasting impression. We assess the aftertaste and how the flavors linger.
Burn: A well-made cigar burns evenly and consistently. We look for a steady burn line and how well the cigar holds its ash. Draw: The draw should be smooth and effortless, providing ample smoke without being too tight or too loose.
We combine our observations to provide an overall score. This includes considering the cigar’s balance, complexity, and the enjoyment it provides.
These cigars represent the pinnacle of cigar craftsmanship, offering an extraordinary smoking experience with unparalleled complexity and balance.
Outstanding cigars with superior quality and remarkable flavor profiles. These are top-tier cigars offering a premium smoking experience.
High-quality cigars that deliver a consistently satisfying smoking experience. They feature solid construction, enjoyable flavors, and reliable performance.
Good quality cigars with noticeable strengths but some minor imperfections. They offer enjoyable smoking experiences with good flavor and decent construction.
Decent cigars suitable for everyday smoking but with noticeable flaws. These cigars have acceptable construction and flavor but may have issues that affect the overall experience.
Cigars with significant flaws that detract from the smoking experience. These cigars may suffer from poor construction, lackluster flavors, or major inconsistencies and are generally not recommended for purchase.
Cigars that have not been rated. These cigars have not undergone the rating process or are not available for review.
Our goal at Puroexpress is to ensure that every cigar we recommend meets the highest standards of quality and satisfaction. Whether you’re a seasoned aficionado or new to the world of cigars, our rating system is here to guide you towards the best smoking experiences. Thank you for trusting us with your cigar journey. Happy smoking!
Discover the exceptional craftsmanship of the Bespoke Flying Pig—a luxury cigar that redefines elegance and flavor in a compact form
The Matilde Serena Grande, reviewed by Puroexpress, is a beautifully crafted cigar that offers a smooth and nuanced smoking experience.
The Inch Nicaragua by E.P. Carrillo No. 70, reviewed by Puroexpress, is a gargantuan cigar that produces lots of smoke…
The Room101 The Big Payback 70, reviewed by Puroexpress, is a massive cigar that delivers a surprisingly balanced and enjoyable…
The Rocky Patel Dark Star Sixty, reviewed by Puroexpress, is a thick cigar with an even cap and well-constructed head.
The La Flor Dominicana Air Bender Valiente, reviewed by Puroexpress, is a robust cigar that delivers a flavorful and balanced…
The Camacho Triple Maduro Gordo, reviewed by Puroexpress, is a thick, log-like cigar that delivers a fruity, leathery smoke with…
The Aging Room Quattro Nicaragua Sonata Grande, reviewed by Puroexpress, is a beautifully crafted cigar that offers a rich and…
The Edge Habano Battalion, reviewed by Puroexpress, is a big, thick cigar that offers a powerful yet balanced smoking experience.
The Murciélago Gordo is a bold and chunky box-pressed cigar that delivers a dynamic and satisfying smoking experience.
The Oliva Serie V Melanio Maduro Double Toro presents itself as a dark, thick cigar that surprisingly delivers a balanced…
The Montecristo 1935 Anniversary Nicaragua Espeso impresses with its dark, pressed appearance, which is reminiscent of rich espresso.
The Padrón 7000 is a robust cigar that delivers a richly layered smoking experience.
The Ozgener Family Cigars Aramas A54 is a tribute to the legacy and expertise of the Ozgener family, delivering a…
The Cavalier Genève Inner Circle Domaine Rouge Figurado is a masterfully crafted cigar that highlights the dedication and artistry of…
The H. Upmann No. 2 stands as a classic Cuban cigar, embodying elegance and tradition with every puff.
The Montecristo Petit No. 2 (Tubo) delivers a refined and elegant smoking experience that exemplifies the rich heritage of Cuban…
The La Flor Dominicana Double Ligero Chiselito Maduro is a bold and intense cigar that exemplifies the strength and depth…
The Ashton Symmetry Belicoso is a cigar that epitomizes sophistication and balance, offering a rich and complex smoking experience that…
The Arturo Fuente Hemingway Signature is a distinguished cigar that epitomizes the elegance and tradition of the Fuente family’s craft.
The Padrón Serie 1926 40th Anniversary is a remarkable cigar, emblematic of Padrón’s unwavering commitment to craftsmanship and excellence.
The La Aurora 107 USA Belicoso is a vibrant and flavorful cigar that showcases the rich heritage and craftsmanship of…
The Toro Showdown: Exploring the Icons of the Cigar World
The Rocky Patel Vintage 2003 Cameroon Churchill is a pale-colored cigar with a veiny wrapper, known for its even burn…
The La Galera Connecticut Tabaquero is a sandy-hued Churchill cigar known for its veiny wrapper and inconsistent draw, which some…
The Liga Privada No. 9 Corona Doble is an impressive Churchill cigar, notable for its near-black wrapper and robust appearance.
Robusto Reflections: A Trio of Premium Cigar Experiences
Introducing Fratelli del Sigaro—crafted with the finest premium tobacco for those who value exceptional quality and personal attention. This exclusive…
The Ferio Tego Timeless Sterling Churchill is a meticulously crafted cigar, noted for its consistent draw and even burn.
The Byron 19th Century Épique Poemas is a beautifully constructed cigar, distinguished by its dark, oily wrapper and triple-seamed cap.
The Macanudo Estate Reserve Flint Knoll No. 2 Churchill is a tan cigar known for its excellent construction and consistent…
The Henry Clay War Hawk Churchill is a well-crafted cigar that features a light, tan wrapper and solid construction.
Well now, folks, it seems the Old Regime of Cuban cigars has pulled quite the stunt these last two years—tripling…
The Arturo Fuente Churchill is an expertly crafted cigar that immediately captivates with its elegant appearance and superb construction.
The Padrón 1964 Anniversary Series Diplomatico is a long, dark, and box-pressed cigar that immediately impresses with its chocolate bar-like…
The Casa Magna Colorado Churchill is a robust and full-bodied cigar that stands out with its reddish-brown wrapper and firm…
Well now, folks, it seems the Old Regime of Cuban cigars has pulled quite the stunt these last 2 years—tripling…
The Alec Bradley Prensado Churchill is a slightly pressed cigar featuring a dark-brown wrapper that hints at the rich flavors…
The San Cristobal Revelation Triumph is a distinguished Churchill cigar that evolves in intensity and clarity with each puff.
The Romeo y Julieta 1875 – Exhibicion No. 1 is a strikingly long cigar that captures attention with its slightly…
You’ve heard it before—Cuban cigars, the gold standard, the crème de la crème, the stuff of legends. But what if…
The Don Pepin Garcia – Original Exclusivos is a meticulously crafted cigar that showcases the hallmark qualities of the renowned…
The Illusione Original Documents – Corojo Gran Corona is a long and elegant cigar that immediately impresses with its notably…
The Arturo Fuente – Cañones Maduro stands out with its imposing size and deep black, oily wrapper adorned with gnarly…
The Punch Clásico – Presidente is a large, dark cigar that commands attention with its robust size and attractive appearance.
The Paul Garmirian 15th Anniversary – Celebration is an exemplary cigar, notable for its impressive length and slightly veiny wrapper.
The Southern Draw Desert Rose – Boss Lady presents itself as a strikingly long cigar with a distinct, slightly dented,…
The La Unica Maduro No. 100, reviewed by Puroexpress, is a long and dark cigar that offers a rich and…
The Davidoff Aniversario No. 1 Limited Edition 2023, reviewed by Puroexpress, is a notably long cigar that exudes elegance and…
The Eiroa 50×10, reviewed by Puroexpress, is an impressively long cigar that showcases the craftsmanship and dedication of the Eiroa…
The Fuente Fuente OpusX Perfecxion A, reviewed by Puroexpress, stands as a luxurious and refined cigar that epitomizes the excellence…
The Tatuaje Reserva A Uno, reviewed by Puroexpress, is a testament to the bold craftsmanship and exceptional quality that Tatuaje…
The Nica Rustica Belly, reviewed by Puroexpress, offers a rich and earthy smoking experience that showcases the robust flavors of…
The Brick House Short Torpedo, reviewed by Puroexpress, offers a robust and flavorful smoking experience that is both satisfying and…
The Hoyo de Monterrey Epicure No. 3, reviewed by Puroexpress, is a delightful Cuban cigar that offers a rich and…
The Cavalier Genève Inner Circle Domaine Rouge Figurado, as reviewed by Puroexpress, is a masterful blend that showcases the artistry…
The H. Upmann No. 2, reviewed by Puroexpress, is a classic Cuban cigar that exemplifies elegance and tradition.
The Montecristo Petit No. 2 (Tubo) is a testament to the quality and craftsmanship of Cuban cigars.
The La Flor Dominicana Double Ligero Chiselito Maduro, reviewed by Puroexpress, is an intense and robust cigar that showcases the…
The Ashton Symmetry Belicoso, as reviewed by Puroexpress, exemplifies sophistication and balance, offering a rich and complex smoking experience.
The Arturo Fuente Hemingway Signature, reviewed by Puroexpress, stands as a paragon of elegance and tradition from the renowned Fuente…
The Padrón Serie 1926 40th Anniversary is a testament to Padrón’s dedication to craftsmanship and quality.
The La Aurora 107 USA Belicoso, reviewed by Puroexpress, is a vibrant and flavorful cigar that showcases the rich heritage…
The Hoyo de Monterrey Epicure No. 3, reviewed by Puroexpress, is a delightful Cuban cigar that offers a rich and…
The Ozgener Family Cigars Aramas A54 is a testament to the legacy and expertise of the Ozgener family in crafting…
The Alec Bradley Post Embargo Blend Code B15 Toro captivates with its dark, oily appearance and unique pigtail cap, indicating…
Laguitos cigars, known for their slender, elegant shape, offer a refined smoking experience. These cigars are perfect for those who…
A Trio of Compact Excellence: Don Palomon Merchant Mariscal, Hoyo de Monterrey Epicure No. 2, and Davidoff Nicaragua Short Corona
For those who appreciate bold flavors and a robust smoking experience, strong cigars are the ultimate indulgence.
A Trio of Distinctive Experiences: Don Palomon Merchant Redondito, Montecristo No. 2, and Davidoff Year of the Tiger
Medium-bodied cigars offer a perfect balance of flavor and strength, making them ideal for both novice and experienced smokers.
Today, we compare three remarkable cigars: the Don Palomon Merchant Royale, the Cohiba Siglo VI, and the Padron 1964 Anniversary…
The Rocky Patel Number 6 Robusto, with its unassuming grayish wrapper, delivers a surprising depth of flavor that exceeds initial…
The El Centurion H-2K-CT Corona Box-Pressed is a standout cigar, offering an impressive blend of flavors and a rich, vibrant…
The H. Upmann Magnum 50 is a distinguished cigar that delivers a symphony of flavors, encapsulating the rich tradition of…
The Días de Gloria Gordo by A.J. Fernandez is designed to evoke the “glory days” of pre-revolution Cuban tobacco. This…
The Romeo y Julieta Línea de Oro Dianas stands out with its elegant and oily wrapper, which adds a slight…
The Montecristo Línea 1935 Maltés is an exquisite representation of Cuban cigar excellence, boasting a dark chocolate studded with almonds…
The La Palina 1948 Toro is a celebration of traditional cigar craftsmanship, featuring a silky, chocolate-brown Ecuadorian wrapper that encases…
Nicaragua has firmly established itself as a powerhouse in the world of premium cigars, thanks to its rich volcanic soils…
The Joya de Nicaragua Cinco de Cinco Corona Extra is a celebratory cigar, marking the esteemed manufacturer’s 55 years of…
The Aksum Claro Corona Gorda, formerly known as Metapa, is a testament to Foundation Cigar Co.’s excellence and A.J. Fernandez’s…
The Perdomo 30th Anniversary Sun Grown Epicure is a finely crafted cigar that embodies three decades of Nick Perdomo’s dedication…
The Don Reynaldo Regalos is a robusto that strikes an impressive balance between intensity and refinement. The smoke is characteristically…
A Trio of Gordo Excellence: Don Palomon Merchant Gordo, Cohiba Behike 56, and Davidoff Nicaragua 56
In the illustrious world of premium cigars, the Short Robusto vitola offers a compact yet powerful experience, combining rich flavors…
The Don Reynaldo Regalos is a robusto that strikes an impressive balance between intensity and refinement. The smoke is characteristically…
The La Aroma de Cuba Edicion Especial No. 2 robusto is slightly rumpled in appearance but performs superbly with an…
The Illusione Original Documents Habano Robusto presents an engaging mix of robust flavors and aromas. From the first draw, you’re…
In the world of premium cigars, the Churchill vitola stands as a symbol of sophistication and refined taste. Today, we…
The E.P. Carrillo Allegiance Sidekick robusto offers a visual and sensory pleasure with its dark, pressed appearance and open draw.…
The Trinidad Media Luna robusto enchants with an unmistakably herbal profile that intertwines with notes of toast, oak, and cedar.…
The Cain Daytona 550 is a robusto that strikes a balance between aesthetics and flavor. Its rich color and slightly…
The Churchill cigar, with its generous length and ring gauge, offers a leisurely and complex smoking experience that has captivated…
The Plasencia Alma Fuerte Colorado Claro Robustus II is a strikingly robust cigar topped with a round head, cloaked in…
The Flores y Rodriguez 18th Anniversary Robusto commands attention with its reddish, oily cover leaf, hinting at the richness within.…
The Hoyo de Monterrey Epicure No. 2 is a quintessential example of Cuban cigar elegance. From the initial draw, it…
The Trinidad Espíritu Series No. 3 Robusto captivates with its dark, box-pressed appearance and a slightly lopsided cap that adds…
The Oliva Serie G Robusto is a wonderfully balanced cigar that stands out with its Cameroon wrapper, lending a unique…
A Journey with Cohiba Siglo VI and Puroexpress’s Bespoke Collection
In the world of premium cigars, few names command the respect and admiration that Montecristo does. The Montecristo Edmundo, with…
When luxury and rarity define a cigar like the Cuban Behike, it’s a challenge to find a worthy alternative. That’s…
When luxury and rarity define a cigar like the Cuban Behike, it’s a challenge to find a worthy alternative. That’s…
A Trio of Premium Cigars at Special Prices At, we understand the allure of a perfectly crafted cigar, and…
A New Era of Tobacco Excellence The world of premium cigars is witnessing a remarkable shift towards Nicaraguan blends, which…
A Nicaraguan Masterpiece Celebrating Excellence In the world of premium cigars, few events are as momentous as the anniversary of…
A New Frontier for Cigar Aficionados As the tastes of cigar aficionados evolve, there emerges a growing trend that is…
An Expedition Through Premier Cigar Selections In the vast realm of premium cigars, the torpedo emerges as a beacon of…
In a landscape where cherished brands have begun to distance themselves from the very connoisseurs who held them in high…
In the realm of premium cigars, there are those that shout their excellence from the rooftops, and then there are…
In a landscape where cherished brands have begun to distance themselves from the very connoisseurs who held them in high…
In the world of luxury cigars, few collaborations have garnered as much anticipation as the Pata Negra, a result of…
We are excited to announce the launch of our Bespoke Nicaragua Series, a line of cigars that are sure to…
The Alec Bradley Black Market Churchill cigar is a popular choice among cigar enthusiasts for its complex flavor profile and…
The Oliva Serie V Churchill Extra is a high-quality cigar that has been consistently well-received since its introduction in 2007.…
The Hoyo de Monterrey Elegantes is a premium cigar that is handcrafted in the Dominican Republic. It features a rich…
The Davidoff Nicaragua Diadema is a premium cigar that is handcrafted in the Dominican Republic. It features a rich blend…
Rocky Patel Sixty Sixty is a premium cigar brand that has been gaining popularity among cigar enthusiasts in recent years.…
When it comes to top-notch cigars, few brands carry the same level of prestige as Padrón. With a long history…
La Gloria Cubana is a premium cigar brand with a rich history dating back to the 1950s. Originally rolled in…
The appeal of the Knuckle Sandwich goes beyond just its flavors. The brand also has a unique and eye-catching design,…
Pete Johnson’s Tatuaje Cigars is known for its unique and memorable blends, and the Cohete is no exception. Originally released…
Allegria Cigars have a unique history that dates back to 2004 when they were originally launched as a spinoff of…
Casa Magna Colorado Robusto is a cigar that has stood the test of time. When it was first released, it…
The San Cristobal Classic is a premium cigar brand owned by Ashton Distributors, known for its colorful parrot logo that…
Brick House is a budget-friendly premium cigar brand with a rich history dating back to 1937. Founded by J.C. Newman…
The Cohiba 55 Aniversario Edición Limitada 2021 is a cigar that has been generating a lot of buzz in the…
Romeo y Julieta is a well-known and highly respected brand in the cigar industry, and the Línea de Oro line…
El Titan de Bronze is a small factory located in Miami’s Little Havana neighborhood that is known for producing high-quality…
The New World Dorado cigar is a unique blend that can be considered an “estate cigar” as it is made…
Joya de Nicaragua Antaño 1970 Churchill is a classic cigar from the oldest producer of handmade cigars in Nicaragua. The…
La Flor Dominicana Oro Chisel cigars are a luxurious and bold choice for cigar enthusiasts. The gold tubo and golden…
E.P. Carrillo Cigar Co. has a history of producing top-rated cigars, having won Cigar of the Year with the Pledge…
The Arturo Fuente Rare Pink Sophisticated Hooker cigar is a unique blend with an intriguing name and a worthy cause.…
Altadis U.S.A., a leading cigar company, has recently made significant changes to its cigar portfolio, focusing on modernizing blends and…
Padrón cigars are widely recognized as some of the best in the premium market, earning recognition several years in a…
Looking for a strong, flavorful cigar with a unique wrapper? The My Father Le Bijou 1922 Churchill may be just…
Zino is a well-known and highly respected name in the world of premium cigars. Founded in 1975, this company has…
Villiger is a well-known and highly respected name in the world of premium cigars. Founded in 1888, this Swiss-based company…
Oliva is a well-known and highly respected name in the world of premium cigars. Founded in 1986, this family-owned company…
My Father is a well-known and highly respected name in the world of premium cigars. Founded in 2002 by José…
Macanudo is a well-known and highly respected name in the world of premium cigars. Founded in 1968, this Cuban-born brand…
Drew Estate is a well-known and highly respected name in the world of premium cigars. Founded in 1996, this New…
Davidoff is a well-known and highly respected name in the world of premium cigars. Founded in 1911, this Swiss-based company…
Arturo Fuente is a well-known and highly respected name in the world of premium cigars. Founded in 1912, this family-owned…
Alec Bradley is a well-known and highly respected name in the world of premium cigars. Founded in 1996, this Florida-based…
Rocky Patel is a well-known and highly respected name in the world of premium cigars. Founded in 1996, this Florida-based…
The Romeo y Julieta Romeo No. 1 (Tubo) is a premium cigar from the Cuban brand Romeo y Julieta. It…
Hoyo de Monterrey is a well-known brand of Cuban cigars. The Epicure No. 1 is a popular cigar from this…
The Trinidad Media Luna is a cigar from the Cuban brand Trinidad. It is known for its small size and…
The Partagás Lusitania is a premium cigar from the Cuban brand Partagás. It is known for its large size and…
The Punch Short de Punch is a popular cigar from the Cuban brand Punch. The cigar is known for its…
Hoyo de Monterrey is a well-known brand of Cuban cigars. The Epicure No. 2 is a popular cigar from this…
Hoyo de Monterrey Le Hoyo de Rio Seco is a premium cigar made in Cuba. It is part of the…
Montecristo Double Edmundo cigars are premium cigars made in Cuba. They are part of the Montecristo line, which is known…
Hoyo de Monterrey Double Corona cigars are premium cigars made in Cuba. They are part of the Hoyo de Monterrey…
Partagás Serie E No. 2 cigars are premium cigars made in Cuba. They are part of the Partagás Serie E…
Cohiba Maduro 5 Secretos cigars are premium cigars made in Cuba. They are part of the Cohiba Maduro line, which…
Cuaba cigars are premium cigars made in Cuba. They are known for their distinctive shape, which is similar to that…
Cohiba Siglo I is a premium cigar made by Habanos S.A., the Cuban state-owned tobacco company. It is part of…
Partagas Short is a premium cigar made by Habanos S.A., the Cuban state-owned tobacco company. It is part of the…
El Rey del Mundo Choix Supreme is a premium cigar made by Habanos S.A., the Cuban state-owned tobacco company. It…
Montecristo No. 5 is a premium cigar made by Habanos S.A., the Cuban state-owned tobacco company. It is part of…
H. Upmann No. 2 is a premium cigar made by Habanos S.A., the Cuban state-owned tobacco company. It is part…
Romeo y Julieta Churchill is a premium cigar made by Habanos S.A., the Cuban state-owned tobacco company. It is part…
Hoyo de Monterrey Le Hoyo de San Juan is a premium cigar made by Habanos S.A., the Cuban state-owned tobacco…
Romeo y Julieta Wide Churchill is a premium cigar made by Habanos S.A., the Cuban state-owned tobacco company. It is…
Ramon Allones Specially Selected is a premium cigar made by Habanos S.A., the Cuban state-owned tobacco company. It is part…
Sancho Panza Belicoso is a premium cigar made by Habanos S.A., the Cuban state-owned tobacco company. It is part of…
Ramon Allones Gigantes is a large, premium cigar made by Habanos S.A., the Cuban state-owned tobacco company. It is part…
Cohiba Siglo VI is a premium cigar made by Habanos S.A., the Cuban state-owned tobacco company. It is part of…
The Partagás Serie D No. 4 cigar is a fantastic smoke that is sure to please even the most discerning…