The New Frontier – Why Aficionados Are Embracing Non-Cuban Cigars
The world of premium cigars is vast, and while Cuba may be steeped in tradition, today’s cigar aficionados are embracing…
The world of premium cigars is vast, and while Cuba may be steeped in tradition, today’s cigar aficionados are embracing…
There was a time when the mention of “premium cigars” would conjure up only one image—a Cuban cigar, elegantly rolled…
Here’s an updated lineup of the finest cigars to experience at this moment. With scores between 90 and 95, these…
Montecristo cigars have woven themselves into the tapestry of cigar culture, becoming nearly synonymous with quality, balance, and that smooth,…
Once upon a humidor, Montecristo cigars stood as a gold standard—a beacon of balance and richness in the world of…
Cohiba. The name alone carries weight, conjuring images of smooth, balanced draws and a taste that’s been coveted by aficionados…
Once upon a time, Cuban cigars reigned supreme—a symbol of luxury as steadfast as the North Star. But even the…
There’s something undeniably captivating about a Maduro cigar. The rich, dark wrapper glistening with oils, the promise of bold, complex…
For many cigar enthusiasts, the Cohiba Robusto has long been a benchmark of excellence—a symbol of tradition and craftsmanship. While…
When I first started Puroexpress nearly 30 years ago, the cigar industry was a different beast. Back then, it was…
Introducing Fratelli del Sigaro—crafted with the finest premium tobacco for those who value exceptional quality and personal attention. This exclusive…
Cuban cigars have long been the gold standard in the world of premium cigars. The mystique surrounding these hand-rolled treasures…
As cigar culture continues to evolve, it’s clear that the days of the “Old Boys’ Club” are over
In the ever-evolving world of cigars, one thing has become increasingly clear: the market is shifting, and not just in…
In the world of premium cigars, enthusiasts often marvel at the vast array of sizes and shapes available. From the…
A New Era of Tobacco Excellence The world of premium cigars is witnessing a remarkable shift towards Nicaraguan blends, which…
A Nicaraguan Masterpiece Celebrating Excellence In the world of premium cigars, few events are as momentous as the anniversary of…
A New Frontier for Cigar Aficionados As the tastes of cigar aficionados evolve, there emerges a growing trend that is…
An Expedition Through Premier Cigar Selections In the vast realm of premium cigars, the torpedo emerges as a beacon of…
In the world of luxury cigars, few collaborations have garnered as much anticipation as the Pata Negra, a result of…
From iconic film scenes to hushed conversations in elite clubs, cigars have left an indelible mark on culture and society.…
From iconic film scenes to hushed conversations in elite clubs, cigars have left an indelible mark on culture and society.…
Journey with us as we unveil the secrets behind assembling a perfect cigar collection. Discover the art, the nuances, and…
Dive into the captivating tales of Cuban cigars, from their ancient Taino roots to the 20th-century challenges, and how Puroexpress…
Facing the gusty winds of cigarflation, Puroexpress unveils its range of in-house brands, a testament to three decades of understanding…
Every cigar tells a story, but how does one discern the tale it wishes to share? Dive deep into the…
Every cigar tells a story, but how does one discern the tale it wishes to share? Dive deep into the…
Every cigar tells a story, but how does one discern the tale it wishes to share? Dive deep into the…
Every cigar tells a story, but how does one discern the tale it wishes to share? Dive deep into the…
Every cigar tells a story, but how does one discern the tale it wishes to share? Dive deep into the…
Why does the allure of a premium cigar captivate us? Dive deeper than the tobacco leaves and discover the intricate…
A Step-by-Step Guide to Tasting Cigars Like a Pro The cigar world is rich in flavors and aromas, but diving…
The Fascinating Process Behind Crafting a Premium Cigar
Understanding How Different Cigar Wrappers Affect Premium Cigar Flavors.
Welcome to Cigar Etiquette 101 – your guide to navigating the social aspects of smoking premium cigar
Habanos S.A., the Cuban cigar distributor, has initiated an intriguing shift in pricing. Renowned brands have seen their prices surge…
Unlocking the Flavor Profile of Your Favorite Smoke. Cigar tasting is an art that can elevate your smoking experience to…
The Vision® Jet is the culmination of enthusiastic and relentless innovation. As the world’s first Personal Jet, the Vision Jet…
A cigar of exception was created of a subtle assembly of tobaccos selected among the best of the terroir of…
Some of us never quite get over our first loves, and mine was a heart-stopper from the 60s. She was…
There’s a certain smugness to the ritual of wrapping an iconic timepiece around your tanned wrist. Perhaps because they should…
William Morris famously said that you should “have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful…
If you’ve always assumed it’s difficult to buy Cuban cigars, I’ve got fantastic news for you. Thousands of satisfied customers…
As the American government slowly lowers the drawbridge to Cuba after more than 50 years of exile, intrepid travelers and…
Once the growing and curing processes have been completed, it is time for the work to begin in making a…